
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rent my home?2022-10-24T20:06:15-07:00

Homes in Summerfield may not be rented. If you are going to be gone for up to 7 months, you might allow a friend or relative who is age 55+ or, with a Board variance, under that age, to occupy your home.

Can you explain the tax status of Summerfield?2022-09-20T23:11:30-07:00

Yes. We fall under IRS Code Section §528 and file form 1120-H. This subsection exempts certain nonprofit homeowners associations that manage association property. At least 60% of our gross income must come from dues, fees or assessments and at least 90% of our expenditures must be for the association’s property. We do not pay income tax on dues and assessments, if they are used for maintenance or improvement. We do not pay income tax on any other taxable income, as long as we maintain those percentages.

How can I see my property lines if I can’t find a stake?2022-09-21T20:35:18-07:00

The only 100% definitive way is to hire a professional survey company to locate your property corners. But, you can also get a rough idea online! It looks cumbersome, but just follow along, step by step, and it’s easy. Go to: Washington County Maps.

  • Click on the map icon under the words ‘InterMap Individual Property / Tax lot Research Tool’.
  • Next, type in the address you are interested in, you will see a long list of choices, then choose the address again. On the map, you will see a red dashed line around the property (this is your property line).
  • To see the aerial view, click on Maps drop-down on the upper right side, choose Aerial. You can also zoom in here and it gives a better vantage point for viewing trees, paths, etc. Remember that trees can be tricky, as the trunk isn’t always directly under the canopy, it could be at an angle that is undetectable in an aerial view.
If I have a concern / complaint about my neighbor, do I have to sign the form?2022-09-20T23:13:31-07:00

No, you do not have to sign the complaint form. It does help to know who to ask if there are further questions or documentation needed. If you do sign it, we do keep that information as confidential as possible, however please know that if anything escalates to requiring legal assistance, all names/information must be disclosed. As a reminder, the first step is always to try to talk to your neighbor about what might be bothering you and why. Perhaps there’s a reasonable explanation, or there is a short-term situation, or maybe you can brainstorm solutions together.

When can I pay the Annual Assessment?2022-09-20T23:13:51-07:00

The Annual Assessment must always be paid between the first business day in January and February 15th. That’s six weeks to plan and pay! We are sorry, but we CAN NOT accept your payment early. We understand that many residents travel for the winter, however, all you have to do is either put a check in the mail or set up an on-line banking check to be dispersed during the proper time frame. Make checks payable to Summerfield or SCA, and yes, you can include annual assessments with the annual golf tag and/or golf cart permit on one check. We’ll set aside your golf tag and/or permit until you return. If you are staying in town, just come by the SCA Office between 8:00 AM—12:00 noon to pay by check or cash only (no credit/debit). We will post in the January newsletter if there will be any extra office hours or weekend office hours. When you pay your assessment, you will receive your new Resident and Business Directory. However, you can drop your check in the mail slot under the office window at any time during the posted timeframe and pick up your Directory at another time.

I’m a new resident to Summerfield. My old HOA did not allow yard ornaments in the front yard. How does Summerfield deal with this situation?2022-09-21T19:36:04-07:00

3.10 of the Architectural/Landscape Manual addresses this topic. Yard ornamentation (statues, figurines, windmills, etc.) requires a Change Request to be submitted for approval. Small yard ornamentation (such as the type with a long stake to poke into the ground, pinwheels, gnomes, etc.) are best placed in your courtyard or backyard (unless you live adjacent to the golf course). Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but we encourage all residents to strive for the cohesive “look” that attracted you to Summerfield in the first place.

I want to volunteer in some capacity, but I’m not sure what I’d like. What do you recommend?2022-09-20T23:15:46-07:00

The SCA administrator would love the opportunity to sit down and talk about the options! Our Committees are so valuable to the health and well-being of our association. We need more volunteers! Some Committees require more time, energy or special skills than others, some need leaders and some need followers, and some need assistance with organization and execution of ideas. If we can learn more about your interests, your professional experience, your strengths and even your personality, then we can help make a recommendation of how you can best volunteer. Let’s set up a time to talk: call, stop by or email the office at sca55@comcast.net.

What is the difference between a Club and a Committee? If I have a new idea, how do I get started?2022-09-20T23:17:47-07:00

Clubs are formed by a group of residents with a common interest. Clubs may choose to develop their own by-laws, elect officers, generate funding, etc. at their discretion. The SCA Board does not sponsor or participate in Club activities, they encourage any Clubs that add to the enjoyment of Summerfield residents. New Clubs need to be officially approved by the SCA Board (first routed through the Clubhouse Committee). If you have an idea for a Club, you can put in a “Call for Interest” in this newsletter and on the hallway bulletin board. You should also check the online Clubhouse Calendar to see about possible dates and times for meetings. If you have a new idea, please set up an appointment with the SCA administrator to review the established policies, procedures and guidelines.

Committees serve the Board, and members are appointed by the Board. They assist with the various duties and responsibilities of the association and it’s amenities as per the CC&Rs, By-Laws and other governing documents. There are procedures for the required officers, responsibilities, and if necessary, funding.

Why don’t we pay the assessment per household, rather than per person?2022-09-20T23:18:39-07:00

Summerfield’s CC&Rs were originally set up in 1974, and that was what they decided back then. To change it from the per person structure to a per household structure would require a 100% vote by residents which is highly unlikely.

Should I opt-in to the online Resident Directory?2022-09-21T19:37:41-07:00

Yes, we think you should! It’s an easy way to look up another resident’s contact information. For example, if you met a Samantha at a social event and wanted to call her, you could search for all the Samantha’s in Summerfield. Or maybe you wanted to see if your neighbor has an email listed, so you could write a nice request to trim their tree, rather than have to ask them in person. Keep in mind, however, that you’ll only find those that have opted-in. We encourage everybody to opt-in! If you’ve lost your log-in password information you can email the SCA office at sca55accounting@comcast.net and it will be sent to you.

How do I reserve the Clubhouse for a meeting or event?2022-09-21T19:47:36-07:00

First, check the Calendar to see if the space is available. If it is, submit the Clubhouse Use Request Form.

  • Read the application carefully please! If there is a deposit or user fee required, submit the checks along with the Clubhouse Use Forms.
  • When everything is complete and the space is still available, your event is confirmed and you will receive a copy of the approved application.
  • Depending on the nature and size of the event, the Clubhouse Committee Events Advisor will schedule a time to meet with you to review the facilities available and any other pertinent information.
Can I come to the SCA Board Meeting?2022-09-20T23:25:02-07:00

Yes, residents’ attendance is most appreciated! SCA Board Meetings and all Committee Meetings in Summerfield are open meetings and all residents may attend. Visitors who wish to address the Board may sign in prior to 9:00 AM and are allotted 5 minutes each. SCA Board meetings are held the second Monday of each month.

I lost my fob. What should I do?2022-09-20T23:25:28-07:00

Please let the office know as soon as possible. We will record the fob as ’lost’ which will make it inactive. That way somebody else isn’t using your fob. You can choose to keep looking and wait to get another one, or go ahead and pay the $20 deposit again for another one. If you find the first one, just return one of them and we’ll refund the second deposit.

Does the Clubhouse have Wi-fi?2022-09-20T23:26:14-07:00

Yes, we do! Stop by the office to pick up the password.

Can you post the newsletter online?2022-09-21T19:54:49-07:00

Yes, the Newsletter is posted online. In fact, it is posted online long before it is hand delivered or mailed to you. It’s also in color! So if you are a snowbird, or just need to reference something, just look it up.

Can I bring a guest to the Clubhouse or to a Summerfield event?2022-09-20T23:29:39-07:00

In most cases, your guest is welcome to join you, but you do need to be with them. Don’t give them your fob and you stay home. It would be nice if you have a friend or family member that is interested in living or golfing at Summerfield. If your guest is meeting you for Cards/Games, please plan to meet them at the door, rather than have them waiting or knocking.

If I am hosting a private party at the Clubhouse, do I have to kick everybody out by 11:00 PM when the alarm activates?2022-09-20T23:30:11-07:00

You may pre-arrange with the office to extend the alarm time for that night (midnight, 1 AM, etc.). It’s very easy to do with our new access control system, but it MUST be done in advance.

Can I run a small business out of my home?2022-09-20T23:33:29-07:00

Section 1.6 Use of Property of our CC&Rs states “No dwelling is to be used for the conduct of business or for any commercial purpose unless prior written approval is obtained as provided in Section 1.10.

Has Summerfield ever received a monetary gift from an estate/will? Is that possible?2022-09-20T23:34:17-07:00

It is possible, and that would be lovely! We do have a Gifts and Memorial Donations Policy, and it states that we can certainly accept gifts, donations and endowments, however the giver must realize that the gift is not tax exempt.

When we moved in 6 years ago, we were under the impression that houses couldn’t be purchased to be ‘flipped’ (renovated and sold again)—has this changed?2022-09-20T23:34:52-07:00

There has never been anything in our governing documents that restricts this. It helps our community by having updated properties, Annual assessments are payable even if the property is vacant and the New Buyers Fee ($2,000) applies as well (unless the buyer purchases a unit within 9 months of selling another unit in Summerfield).

What’s the procedure for using the sound system for an event in the Clubhouse?2022-09-20T23:35:36-07:00

There is a ‘microphone key’ that needs to be checked out the day before or the day of your event from the SCA office. Located in the storeroom behind the kitchen in the locked cabinet are the wireless microphone, a wired microphone, and a portable microphone system. There are written instructions / explanations posted on the storage cabinet and on the cabinet where you turn the system on/off.

What happens if I buy an annual Golf Tag and I get injured or sick?2022-09-20T23:36:12-07:00

As per the Assessments and Fees Policy & Procedure, there are no refunds for the Annual Golf Tag.

What are the different funding sources for Summerfield?2022-09-20T23:39:19-07:00

There are three source of revenues: the Operating fund, the General Reserves fund and the New Buyer Fee fund.

  • The Operating fund comes from revenue generated by the annual assessments and the golf course income. These funds cover the day-to-day expenses of running the association, including common area landscaping, golf course maintenance, Clubhouse maintenance, utilities, employee salaries, etc.
  • The General Reserves fund covers major expenditures and emergency items, such as a new piece of golf course equipment, Clubhouse roof repair, new copy machine or new hot water heater. Each of these ‘components’ are included in an annual Reserve Study that identifies projected useful life and replacement costs. Funds to cover this are transferred from the general fund.
  • The New Buyer Fee fund came into place in 2005 and Summerfield now collects a $2,000 transfer fee upon sale of a property (with some exceptions) for this fund.
Since we have signs all over about NO SOLICITING, how come I see sandwich boards on the parking strips advertising particular companies who are doing work for a resident? Shouldn’t these be removed, complaints or not?2022-09-21T20:55:29-07:00

CC&Rs allow signs for a garage/estate sale (upon submitting the appropriate form), signs advertising for-sale properties and community event signs (such as the golf charity auction, holiday bazaar, etc.). No other signs are permitted unless the SCA Board has approved a written request. Garage sales require an approved Garage/Estate Sale Request Form.

I see the signs about the speed limit strictly enforced through Summerfield, but have never seen any kind of security doing this. Does it exist?2022-09-20T23:40:29-07:00

Summerfield is part of the City of Tigard. Traffic control falls under their jurisdiction. There is a long history of speeding through our neighborhoods, both by residents and non-residents (some using as a cut-through, avoiding Durham or Hall). Our City of Tigard Liaison routinely asks for enhanced patrols from the City of Tigard.

How can I submit something for this newsletter?2022-09-20T23:41:48-07:00

If you are a Club or Committee Chair, just submit your article electronically by the deadline, which is always s the 15th of the month. If you are a member of a Club or Committee and have an idea, share it with your Chair, and they may choose to submit it. If you are a resident with an idea, please feel free to write a brief article and email it to the SCA office. There are specific policies for this newsletter, but general interest articles are welcome.

The SCA Board members have a 3-year term, but what about the representatives from the Apartments and the Estates? Are they voting members?2022-09-20T23:42:22-07:00

Per the By-Laws, any Proprietary Member owning 150 or more units may each appoint one Director. Since the Apartments and the Estates each have over 150 units, the managers of each have a seat on the Board (and indefinitely, no term limit). Yes, they are voting members.

I know that pedestrians are not allowed on the golf cart paths, but what about that path that runs from Century Oak Drive through the golf course to the Clubhouse?2022-09-20T23:45:56-07:00

That path is okay for pedestrians. It runs between the 1st and the 9th hole, so hopefully there won’t be any errant golf balls.

Since the majority of Summerfield residents do not play golf, they probably have never witnessed the beauty of the course from the inside, along the cart paths. How can others get a tour?2022-09-21T20:29:24-07:00

The SCA office would be happy to show off our beautiful course! If anybody is interested in having a personal tour, please Contact the office directly. They coordinate a Monday morning tour.

What are you doing about the residents who haven’t paid their annual assessments yet?2022-09-21T19:52:00-07:00

The CC&Rs are very clear about the process and you can reference Section 2.3 Assessments, Liens, and Collections. We start with a letter from the office followed by a final letter from the Board President. If the assessment still isn’t paid, then it is turned over to our lawyer for collection, and a lien is placed on the residential unit.

How can we encourage people to be responsible and clean up after their pets?2022-09-21T15:50:32-07:00

Most dog owners are wonderful and responsible, but there are the few that give the others a bad name. We’ve put reminders in the newsletter and even posted little signs around the community. If you see an owner ignoring their responsibility, you could politely point it out to them. If you know of a repeat offender, please let the office know a name or address and the administrator can follow up with them as well.

There seem to be frequent walkers, joggers, and even baby strollers on the cart paths after the Marshals leave but still during golf play. How should residents handle this situation?2022-10-24T18:47:32-07:00

They are called CART PATHS for a reason and they are a path for carts! It is unfortunate that people do not recognize the safety hazards of using the cart paths when they are not playing golf. An errant golf ball would be very painful, if not critical.

  • The approved Summerfield Golf Course Rules specify that “the golf course, including cart paths, is to be used only for playing golf. Any other use, day or night such as riding, bicycles, jogging or walking, is prohibited”.
  • If Summerfield policy to use the cart paths if not playing golf. Perhaps explaining the safety concerns will help them understand. If you are uncomfortable approaching them, please make a note of the date/time/location and pass it on to the Golf Shop, the Marshals or the SCA office.
Could you explain the rules and regulations of street and driveway parking in Summerfield?2022-09-21T15:53:50-07:00

There was a Resolution adopted in December 2004 by the SCA Board that clarified their position on parking. A full copy of the Resolution is available on our website or from our office. Here is an excerpt:

Section 1.2 of the Declaration prohibits the parking of certain vehicles on lots or on Summerfield streets. This section has two primary purposes. First, the rule attempts to aesthetic values within Summerfield. Ideally, every vehicle within Summerfield, when not n use, would be parked within a unit’s garage, with the garage door closed. While this may not be possible as a practical matter, it is the preference of the Summerfield residents…. The second primary purpose behind the prohibition against parking certain vehicles is community safety. The more vehicles that are parked on Summerfield streets and the larger the vehicles are, the more safety hazards are presented, both due to narrowed travel and obstructions to the vision of drivers and pedestrians. Accordingly, the Summerfield regulations are designed to minimize the number of vehicles that may be parked on such streets, they are smaller, traditional passenger vehicles rather than trucks, campers, etc.

In addition to the SCA’s preference of parking is in the garage W we also follow the Municipal Code for the City of Tigard. The full code can be found on their website, www.tigard-or.gov, but here is an excerpt:

10.32.200 Obstructing Streets.

no person shall place, park, deposit or leave upon any street or other public way, sidewalk or curb, any article or thing or material which in any way prevents, interrupts or obstructs the free passage of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. . .”

The owner or responsible party shall keep a public street and/or sidewalk abutting their property free from earth, rock and other debris and other objects that may obstruct or render the street or sidewalk unsafe for its intended use.

It is preferred that vehicles be pulled up as far in the driveway as possible so as not to not obstruct the sidewalk. If one finds that the sidewalk is obstructed, then safe street parking is the next best option (not on a curve).

What should I do if a solicitor comes to my door?2022-09-21T15:54:24-07:00

We recommend to not open the door. You might yell through the door that you’re not interested, and that this is a No Soliciting community as per the entry signs into the community.

  • You can also post a No Trespassing sign by your front door if you’d like.
  • If you do have a solicitor call the office and provide the specifics of the encounter, such as date, time, vendor name, etc. The office will call the vendor and let them know of our No Soliciting status.
Is there a photocopier available that I can use for personal copying?2022-09-21T15:54:48-07:00

The copy machine in the lobby of the Clubhouse is for your use. The cost is 5 cents per copy. To send a fax or to receive a fax is $1.00 per page.

Does the SCA Office provide notary services and general business assistance?2022-09-21T15:55:41-07:00

The SCA Office does not provide Notary Services. We recommend that you go to your bank.

Can I install a solar panel and skylight at my home?2024-04-08T15:06:22-07:00

Information about Solar Panels and Skylights is listed in the Architecture/Landscape Manual– under section 3:13:

  • Manufactured solar panels and skylights may be approved if they are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation and meet all requirements of the City of Tigard building code and all other agencies with oversight and permit authority.
  • A copy of the SCA Solar Panel Guidelines must be attached to a Change Request for those installations. Copies are available at the SCA Office and from Committee members.
What information is there about golf ball screens?2024-04-08T15:07:21-07:00

Information about Golf Ball Screens is listed in the Architecture/Landscape Manual– under section 3.20 Golf Ball Screens:

  • All improvements for the purpose of providing protective screening from errant golf balls must be reviewed and approved by the Landscape/Architectural Committee prior to installation or construction.
  • Acceptable materials and design guidelines are outlined in the Golf Ball Screen Guidelines.
  • Screening will be of a design that compliments the architecture of the residential unit and shall not obstruct the view of any other property.
What information is there about mailboxes?2024-06-25T10:00:05-07:00

Information about mailboxes is listed in the Architecture/Landscape Manual– under section 3.17 Mailboxes:

What information is available about the lampposts in front of the homes?2024-07-10T14:55:47-07:00

The maintenance and upkeep of the lamppost is the responsibility of the homeowner, however, there are guidelines to follow.

  • Type and placement of exterior lighting devices must be approved by the Committee. The concern is to eliminate glare and annoyance to adjacent property owners and passerby. Existing driveway lampposts within Summerfield cannot be removed. All lampposts must be similar, painted black, be five feet tall, and have a working photo-cell sensor. The top fixture can be a lantern style, ideally with energy-efficient CFL/LED/Halogen bulbs. For replacement options, contact the SCA office or the A/L Committee.
  • All lampposts within Summerfield must be similar and painted dull black. The post height should be five feet tall with an eight to ten inch high, five or six sided globe with a pointed cap. For the light bulbs, you can purchase them from the Summerfield Golf Shop for $2.50 each.
Can my adult child live with me?2022-09-21T15:57:12-07:00

Yes, your adult child (age 18+) is considered a “qualified occupant.” We do require that a Fair Housing Form be completed. The annual assessment must be paid for each person living in the home.

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